Wednesday, August 17, 2011

To a life-long teacher... and friend

Yesterday was the birthday of a very special friend.  I so wanted to write a post in her honour; but the more I tried, the less I could put words to what I was feeling.  On my walk everything seemed to whisper her name: from the bright yellow flowers that lined the path I walked down, to the crickets singing in the fields, to the cool breeze that caressed my skin.  They all reminded me of the wonderful gift having her in my life has been.  But still the words would not come.

So I had to just let it be.

Today, feeling a bit more centered, I decided to try again.  It was then that I realized that there are no words to describe what I feel in my heart for her.  She has been my life-long teacher, my inspiration, a dear, dear friend, and one of my biggest fans (!).  In short, she has made my life immeasurably better just by being who she is.  And for her I am, and will always be, truly grateful.

Happy Birthday my wonderful friend, and may you have many, many more ♥♥♥


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